Gas management rack
Rack UCVG16 ( Unit control Valve gas ) . The gas management rack can store up to 64 ingredients (all categories combined). The presence of gas in the cans, the gas interposes itself between your ingredients and the air in the can. It thus becomes protective and increases the shelf life of your ingredients and in particular fruit juices and fruit purée for several additional days if your fruit juices and fruit purée are placed in a fridge or cold room. The rack is available in different numbers of circuits with a minimum of 2 outlets (1 outlet pilots 4 cans of ingredients (i.e. 1 group of cans) and up to 16 outlets for 4 groups, i.e. a total of 64 cans.
Cocktail Color 2 and the gas rack make it possible to keep up to 4 carbonated ingredients (Sprite, Coke, sparkling water and Schweppes tonic) by adding an additional gas in the rack (optional).
The main gas will be argon or food-grade nitrogen and the second gas for gaseous ingredients will be food-grade Co.
The gas rack plays another complementary role! When your stock is located away from the bar (in the cellar, in an adjoining room or further away, for example), it is necessary to use gas to pressurise the circuits and provide important support for the pumps. This arrangement ensures that the life of the pumps is not shortened, and saves time in terms of throughput, while at the same time preserving the ingredients.
The gas rack is of course managed by Cocktail Color II when a cleaning cycle is launched. Your only concern in this case is to keep an eye on the gas storage.
As you will have understood, the gas rack is modular for nitrogen / argon food for 8, 12, 16, 24, 32, 48 and 64 circuits including 4 gas lines in the 64 circuits if necessary.
The racks are connected via a network. A 7" touch screen allows you to take control of the circuits (isolate a circuit for example), display the number of the group assigned to the circuits, take control of them for a flow test for example, isolate all the circuits during maintenance so as not to block the machine while your establishment is open, etc. It will soon be possible to place a detector on your gas cylinders and inform you when the gas level is about to run out. And, of course, the 'Denise' software will keep you informed of every situation.